Monthly Board Highlights - June 2017

If you were unable to attend the June 6, 2017 Board of Trustees meeting, here are some of the actions that took place:

The Board of Trustees Recognized Clovis Community College CVC Champion Women's Swim and Dive Team and Coach Mark Bennett, CVC Coach of the Year.

Also recognized Men's Soccer Player Jesus Garnica who was awarded a plaque and scholarship from the CCCAA.

Heard the following reports and updates:

  • Fresno City College Educational Master Plan
  • Clovis Community College Strategic Plan for 2017-2021
  • Student Success Scorecard
  • Equal Employment Opportunity Plan Data Report
  • Capital Construction Projects and Bond Measures C and E Update
  • Personnel Commission Budget Presentation

Adopted the Reedley College Strategic Plan

Ratified revised JPA with Kings Canyon Unified School District for RC Middle High School


  • Jerome Countee as Vice Chancellor of Educational Services and Institutional Effectiveness
  • Donald Lopez as Vice President of Instruction, FCC

Approved the following:

  • 2017-18 Tentative Budget, as presented and established September 5, 2017, as public hearing date for proposed 2017-18 final budget
  • Five-year construction plan and project proposals
  • Agreement with City of Fresno, Fresno Area Express, for transit services
  • Summer 2017, Fall 2017, Spring 2018, Fall 2018 curriculum proposals
  • Letter of support for Trustee Nishinaka regarding his nomination for ACCT
  • Academic personnel transactions, as amended
  • Classified personnel transactions, as submitted
  • New position of permanent part-time Custodian, CCC
  • New position of permanent part-time Instructional Laboratory Technician – General Science, CCC
  • Transfer of student credit balances to general fund


  • Concurrence with the Personnel Commission Budget
  • Signatories for orders
  • Licensing and service agreement for curriculum, SLO/assessment, and program review software, districtwide
  • New employment contracts for unrepresented employees: CCC President, FCC President, RC President, VC of Finance and Administration, VC of Human Resources

Adopted the following resolutions:

  • No. 2017.10, Establishment of an Appropriation Limit (Gann)
  • No. 2017.12 exempting Kings River slope stabilization project from California Environmental Quality Act

Approved the following grant agreement recommendations:

  • Healthy and Active Preschoolers, CDE, FCC
  • Ag Water Environmental Technology Sector Navigator, CCCCO, RC
  • Song Brown Health Care Workforce Training Act, Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development, FCC

Approved the following bids:

  • No. 1617-20 to Lawson Mechanical Contractors for Replacing Chiller, Utility Building, RC
  • No. 1617-21 to R∓H Construction to Replace Softball Scoreboard, RC
  • No. 1617-17 to Central Valley Asphalt for Parking Improvements, Overflow Lot, RC

Accepted completed construction projects, as presented:

  • Replace HVAC Units, Building B, CCC Herndon
  • Room 110 Classroom Remodel, Health Science Building, FCC

You can read more details on our website: