Monthly Board Highlights - May 2021

If you were unable to attend the May 4, 2021 Board of Trustees meetings, here are some of the actions that took place.

The Board heard the following reports and presentations:

  • College Presidents’ Reports (written)
  • Academic Senate Report by Brad Millar (written)
  • Classified Senate Report by Deisy Ruiz (written)
  • Special Recognition of Student Trustee Diana Flores
  • Update on Chancellor Search Process with Dr. Ben Duran of PPL, Inc.
  • Award of Excellence for Loss Control by Marco Guardi and Joe Diebert of ASCIP to Vice Chancellor Christine Miktarian and District Director of Environmental Health Darren Cousineau
  • Covid-19 Update & Campus Reopening Plan by Vice Chancellor Christine Miktarian, District Director of Environmental Health Darren Cousineau and Presidents Dr. Carole Goldsmith, Dr. Jerry Buckley, Dr. Lori Bennett and Dr. Angel Reyna

Board Policies


BP 5700 Athletics
BP 3300 Public Records Request
BP 5205 Student Accident Insurance

First Read:

BP 4070 Auditing and Auditing Fees


  • Academic Personnel Transactions Including the retirements of Becky Allen, CCC Health/Physical Education Instructor, Timothy Hernandez, FCC Art Instructor and Christina Cortes, RC Director, Financial Aid
  • Classified Personnel Transactions
  • Summer 2021, Fall 2021 Spring 2022 and Fall 2022 curriculum proposals
  • EEO Multiple Methods Certification Form
  • Quarterly Financial Status Report
  • Transfer of student credit balances to the General Fund
  • Completion of District Boardroom on the first floor
  • Study Abroad Programs to Cuba, Florence, Ireland, Kenya and Greece

Public Hearing & Adoption of Resolution

Resolution 2021.12 Convey Flood Easement to the Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District for mitigation of major storm events adjacent to the new parking structure at Fresno City College


Resolution 2021.15 Classified School Employees’ Week at State Center Community College District

Resolution 2021. 14 CEQA compliance for the new Madera Community College at Oakhurst campus through a mitigated negative declaration

Resolution 2021.17 Affording Student Trustees the privilege to make and second motions

Resolution 2021.18 Authorizing Budget Transfers and Adjustments

Resolution 2021.19 Notice of intent to establish 2021-22 Appropriations (GANN) limit

Approved the following Grant Agreements:

The District has received new funding from the California Community College Chancellor's Office. Senate Bill 85 amends the Budget Act of 2020 by adding additional funding in one-time local assistance that provide funding for immediate COVID-19 response and relief efforts where California community college and students need it most, while making investments for an equitable, inclusive and broad-based economic recovery. The funding is allocated for three areas:

  • $3,378,359 Emergency Financial Assistance to Low-Income Community College Students
  • $542,146 Student Retention and Enrollment Outreach
  • $68,919 CalFresh Outreach

Reedley College has received a new $590,000 sub-agreement from California State University, Fresno Foundation. The funding will provide resources to expand the dual enrollment efforts for the engineering related pathways to obtain skills certification, associate and bachelor's degrees. The funding will be received over eighteen months.

The District Office and Fresno City College have each received $50,000 amended Economic and Workforce Development Grant agreements from Rancho Santiago Community College District. Additional funding will support regional director grants.

Clovis Community College has received an additional $614,936 in funding from the United States Department of Education for the CARES Act Minority Serving Institution Program to assist the college with ongoing expenses related to the COVID pandemic.

Closed Session

Reporting out from May 4, 2021 Closed Session: There is nothing to report at this time.

You can read more details on our website:

May 4, 2021 Board Meeting Agenda