General Interest and Professional Development Resources


General Interest

The Undying by Anne Boyer

The Undying
by Anne Boyer

Boyer investigates the quackeries, casualties and ecological costs of cancer under capitalism. She delivers an investigation of mortality and the gendered politics of illness.

Know my name

Know My Name: A Memoir
by Chanel Miller

Miller’s memoir tells of her sexual assault by Brock Turner, the subsequent trial, and Turner’s lenient sentence. It illuminates a culture biased to protect perpetrators rather than victims.

wow no thank you

Wow, No Thank You
by Samantha Irby

From the blogger and beloved author of New York Times bestseller We Are Never Meeting in Real Life--a rip-roaring, edgy and unabashedly raunchy new collection of hilarious essays.

Professional Development

what snowflakes get right

What Snowflakes Get Right
by Ulrich Baer

Promoting democracy that upholds truth and equality, Baer dismantles the current dichotomy on college campuses that claims conservatives promote free speech while liberals muzzle unpopular opinions.

happy professor

The Happy Professor
by William D. Coplin

Coplin’s undergraduate teaching methods prepare students for careers and citizenship. These methods create successful students, and as a result, happier professors.

knowledge gap

The Knowledge Gap
by Natalie Wexler

Wexler dismisses the common scapegoats in education and criticizes the intense focus on decontextualized reading comprehension “skills” at the expense of actual knowledge.

Becoming a student ready college

Becoming a Student-Ready College
by Tia Brown McNair et al.

This book can help educators make difficult decisions, face the pressures of accountability, and address their preconceived notions about student success head-on.

grading for equity

Grading for Equity
by Joe Feldman

Feldman explains that equitable grading has three pillars: accuracy, bias-resistance, and intrinsic motivation. He also provides tools to help educators implement these practices in the classroom.

years that matter most

The Years That Matter Most
by Paul Tough

Tough’s devastatingly powerful, mind-changing inquiry into higher education in the United States is a sobering look at American higher education and an appeal for change.