Crush Café
Serving a variety of food from sandwiches and burgers, to burritos and salads.
Café Building
Monday - Thursday: 8am - 4pm
Friday 8am - 2pm

Food Truck Schedule
Enjoy a variety of delicious eats on campus! We've partnered with Fresno Street Eats to bring a rotating lineup of food trucks, serving up fresh and flavorful options for everyone. Come grab a bite!
Monday 8am-3pm
Tuesday 4pm - 8pm
Tuesday & Wednesday 11am - 2pm
Main Campus
In front of the Bookstore & Café

Crush Food Pantry
Helping Students with Food Insecurities
New location!
The Crush Pantry is now open on the main campus in AC-2 Room 173. Items are free for all currently enrolled CCC students.
Monday & Wednesday 9am - 4pm
Tuesday & Thursday 9am - 8pm
Friday: 9am - 12pm
Clovis Campus
AC-2 Room 173

Microwave and Vending Machines
Learn about all the food options on campus including the vending machines and microwave you can use.
Microwave Location:
The vending machine in AC2 has food items and meals that can be warmed up in a microwave. A free microwave is available to students near the entrance to AC-2 across from the Counseling Department.
Vending Machine Locations:
AC-1 near the Welcome Center
AC-2 across from A&R near the restrooms

The campus bookstore provide candy, soda, and snacks which are available during bookstore hours.
Open 8am - 2pm