Career and Student Success Resources


You're not listening

You’re Not Listening
(Overdrive audiobook)
by Kate Murphy

Murphy makes accessible the psychology, neuroscience, and sociology of listening while also introducing us to some of the best listeners out there. Read by the author.

Start with Why

Start with Why
(Also available in Overdrive
audiobook and Overdrive eBook)
by Simon Sinek

Sinek shows how great leaders accomplish extraordinary things by first asking “why” and then inspiring others to take action. Read by the author.

find your why

Find Your Why
(Overdrive audiobook)
by Simon Sinek

A follow up to Start With Why, Sinek provides a practical step-by-step guide for applying his philosophy to your career, team, company, or nonprofit. Read by the author.

switch by chip heath and dan heath

(Also available in Spanish, Overdrive audiobook, and Overdrive eBook)
by Chip Heath and Dan Heath

By combining psychology, sociology, management, and case studies, the authors tell stories of people and organizations who have successfully implemented hard changes. Audiobook read by Charles Kahlenberg.

edge turning adversity

Edge: Turning Adversity into Advantage
(Overdrive audiobook)
by Laura Huang

Edge will teach you how to find your unique edge and keep it sharp by showing how success is about knowing who you are and using that knowledge unapologetically and strategically. Read by the author.

fine artists

Fine Artists
by Marcia Santore

This Practical Career Guide will help you decide if you should choose a career in fine arts and show you how to form a career plan, pursue an educational path, and develop a professional fine arts career.