How to Return Items

You do not need an appointment to return items.

All technology items must be returned in the Library during open hours.  Please check the Library main page for hours.  

Books can be returned in the library during open hours or 24/7 at the book drop by the courtyard entrance. 

A red book being put into a box marked Book Returns

NOTE: This does not apply to textbooks you have rented from the Bookstore. For more information, visit the bookstore website.

Please note that if you have saved anything on a CCC laptop, you are responsible for saving your work elsewhere before returning the laptop. Personal data will not be recoverable after the laptop is returned. If you need assistance saving your work, please contact Clovis Technology Services at 559-325-5294 or email them with your phone number and ID number at

If you have any questions, please call the library at 559-325-5215, or email us at Be sure to include your student ID number in the email.