C-MOOR Science

C-MOOR logo C-MOOR strives to break down barriers to scientific participation by providing online access to real scientific data, analytical tools, mentorship, and opportunities to interact with real scientists (NIH ODSS 2022). With the support of an NSF IUSE award, we are currently investigating how early exposure to genomic data science research affects quantitative literacy, factors related to persistence in STEM, and student attitudes toward data science. We believe all students should have access to these resources regardless of institutional affiliation or geographic location (GDSCN 2022 Genome Research). Through our initiatives, we work to broaden pathways into genomic data science for institutions that serve underrepresented populations.

C-MOOR at Clovis Community College

Inspiring the next generation of genomic data scientists

Community College students rarely have an opportunity to engage in research as most instructors do not have lab space or ongoing research projects. At CCC, C-MOOR currently offers two courses for students to engage in authentic genomics undergraduate research: a miniCURE (mini Course based Undergraduate Research Experience) where a research project is embedded within the biology for majors course, Biol-11A; and a stand-alone CURE in genomics data science research in Biol-12 course.

Instructor Rosa Alcazar with student in science classroom

Bio 11A

graphic of books and science related tools

Biol-11A is taught by Dr. Rosa Alcazar or Dr. Stephanie Coffman, where students develop a project looking at RNA-seq datasets, investigating and learning about model organisms, high-throughput sequencing, the scientific process, and how these are used in both basic and clinical research. Students use transcriptome data from Drosophila and discover the vast similarities between flies and humans. By researching gene expression profiles across datasets, students learn about comparative genomics and in silico experiments.

Introduction to Biological Databases

Biology 11A Research Project

Bio 12

graphic of books and science related tools

Biol-12 is team-taught by Dr. Rosa Alcazar from CCC, Dr. Matthew McCoy from Stanford School of Medicine, and Dr. Lindsay Hayes from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Students explore the vast amount of single-cell data being generated by genomics and cancer researchers and apply the same tools available. Students learn to use R/RStudio, Bioconductor, and other computational tools common in biomedical research and build a valuable skill set that may help them compete for paid internships or lab positions upon transfer to a four-year institution. Dr. Alcazar is an instructor at CCC while Dr. McCoy and Dr. Hayes are currently researchers at R1 institutions with a commitment to outreach.

Ways to get Involved

Students are exposed to practical research techniques and practical examples of how to work with data and data scientists. Students develop the ability to form hypotheses and present their findings. Students gain experience using GitHub to access resources and will develop their own GitHub page demonstrating their work. Students also benefit from networking with other like-minded students, access to mentors, and other resources.

Currently, students can participate in Bio 11A, a course at Clovis Community College, where they can participate in a small research project that is required for the major. Also available to students is the online Bio-12 course which is a standard research course that is designed to develop the skills of a genomics data scientist.

We would love to grow our community and benefit more students with even more opportunities. If you are interested to learn more about how you can participate, contact Rosa Alcazar: Email rosa.alcazar@cloviscollege.edu or Twitter @RosaAlcazar15

  • Instructors - Collaborate in content development
  • Students - Enroll in one of our upcoming courses
  • Researchers - Share your ideas (e.g. datasets, projects), co-teach with an instructor
  • Mentors - Interact with students who are passionate about research via C-Moor Help Forum

C-Moor is a collaboration between educators and researchers from the following institutions:

Logos represent the multiple institutions developing the material and supporting the free resources: C-MOOR, SciServer, PODER,  Carnegie Science | Embryology, National Science Foundation (NSF), Johns Hopkins University, and Clovis Community College.

Visit the donate page for instructions on how to donate.


Contact Rosa Alcazar via Email rosa.alcazar@cloviscollege.edu or Twitter @RosaAlcazar15