Sleep: The Most Important Part of Self-Care - Sept 2022

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For Health and Wellness

Want to feel better, look better and improve your memory, concentration, energy, and productivity?​ Make quality sleep a lifelong priority!

​​The scoop of the day​: You probably need more sleep!​​

​​Maybe you’ve heard that seven to nine hours is the magic number for sleep, but when you’re consistently short on sleep time, you end up in what’s known as sleep debt, or the difference between the sleep you’re getting and the sleep you need. The deeper in debt you go, the harder it is to get out. For some, it may take a week of sleeping ten hours or more a night to pay off sleep debt. You will know your debt is paid off when you start waking naturally after seven to nine hours feeling refreshed.

​Sleep debt can lead to:

  • Poor concentration
  • ​Grogginess and irritability
  • ​Decreased capacity for learning
  • ​​Increased risk of getting sick
  • ​Decreased athletic performance
  • ​Dangerous driving

​Set yourself up for success!

​Pay off your sleep debt and experience how good you should be feeling. Can you imagine waking up feeling refreshed each day BEFORE your alarm goes off? Yes, that could be you!

​If you are unable to sleep every night for a week, as long as it takes until you wake up naturally (up to ten hours or more) to pay off your sleep debt, try sleeping as many extra hours or minutes as you can for a month or more until your sleep debt is paid off. You’ll be surprised at what a difference it makes!

​​Sleep Quality​ ​How good do you sleep?

​Sleep quality is even more important than the number of hours you sleep. Here are some tips for getting better quality sleep:

​Follow a Consistent Sleep Routine. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day....even on weekends.

Revise Habits to Support Sleep. Don’t stay up to watch TV; tape shows and watch them later.

​Add Exercise and/or Gentle Stretching to your Daily Routine. Avoid strenuous exercise for at least 2 hrs before bedtime.

​Get Some Sunshine during the day.

Unwind in the Early Evening. Keep lights low. Relax. Write down your worries and/or “TO DO” list and stop thinking about it until tomorrow.

​Avoid Caffeine (coffee, tea, cola, energy drinks) for 8 to 10 hours before bedtime.

​Keep the Bedroom Cool and Dark for sleep. Make sure there are no lights that you can see from bed (ex. LED charger lights, screen lights, LED clock display)

Consider trying White Noise. Use nature sounds or a fan to drown out other noises that may wake you. ​

See your doctor if Pain Keeps You Awake.

​Avoid Alcohol and Nicotine 2 hours before bedtime as these can inhibit deep sleep.​​

For additional tips and information