Unit Program Planning

CCC Integrated Planning Model

Planning at Clovis Community College (CCC) is unified by a set of shared assumptions and well-defined processes. These processes are dedicated to the improvement of student success, which is achieved in part through the systematic evaluation of the College’s units and programs. The process for data-informed performance review at the unit/program level is defined in the Unit/Program Planning Handbook. Planning is aligned with the College's Strategic Objectives and a key element of the integrated planning process.

Unit/Program (UP) Planning Handbook.

Unit/Program (UP) Planning Templates

2022-2023 Annual Unit/Program (UP) Planning Process Timeline

Unit Program Timeline
Month Activity Responsible Party
August-September College Council reviews unit/program planning process and considers recommendations for improvement from Unit/Program Planning Committee College Council (with review by constituent groups)
September Unit/Program Data & Overview of UP Planning Process provided Office of Institutional Research
By October 10 Current/updated template communicated college-wide College Council/UP Planning Committee
October 10 – December 1, February 1 or March 1 Managers and Department Chairs lead their programs in data analysis and planning discussions and choose their due date. Dept Chair/Program Leads complete the UP Planning form. The UP/P Committee & IR serve as resources and are available to meet with departments. Managers, Department Chairs/Leads, and Faculty Leads
December - March UP Plans DUE December 1, February 1 or March 1 to UP Planning Committee. Managers, Department Chairs/Leads, and Faculty Leads
December - March Committee reviews for completion and accuracy (not content/evaluation) and return to the departments UP/P Committee
March 15 Final Unit/Program Plans due to UP Planning Committee (final changes) Managers, Department Chairs/Leads, and Faculty Leads
December - March Departments present UP Plans to managers for review and discussion. Manager completes summary form, and submits the Final UP Plan and Summary Form to Cathy Ostos (Exec Asst to VPAS) Due March 24. UP Planning Committee
April 20 Committee Co-Chair completes and submits annual status summary to College Council. Committee Co-chair
March - April UP Planning Committee evaluates process and makes recommendation to College Council for changes to the UP Planning template(s) and review process + notify next year’s group. UP Planning Committee
April - May Deans/Managers will discuss UP Planning and share highlights in President’s Council. President
Dates may change based on Spring Break and the annual academic calendar

2020-2021 UP Planning

- Disciplines who complete their UP Plan in 2020-2021, do so for the academic years 2020-2022 with their next report to be completed in 2022-2023.

Unit Plan Due - 2020-2021 UP Planning
UP Plan due 2 Year Plan 3 Year Data Review Next UP Plan due
2020 - 2021 2020-2022 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020 2022-2023

2021-2022 UP Planning

- Disciplines who complete their UP Plan in 2021-2022, do so for the academic years 2021-2023 with their next report to be completed in 2023-2024.

Unit Plan Due - 2021-2022 UP Planning
UP Plan due 2 Year Plan 3 Year Data Review Next UP Plan due
2021 - 2022 2021-2023 2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021 2023-2024