Tips for Preparing for a New Semester - August 2024
Welcome new and returning students! It’s the beginning of a new academic year - the perfect time to try new strategies to help make your semester more enjoyable and successful.
Tips for Preparing for a New Semester
Feeling nervous, unsure, and overwhelmed when starting college is perfectly normal. Most students share these feelings. Just remember that they are temporary - you will acclimate in time. To help speed up the process, consider trying some of these tips:
- Aim for perfect class attendance. It isn’t always possible but make it a goal. Attendance is a strong predictor of college success. Show up!
- Read your syllabi. Understand what is expected of you in each class.
- Be present during your classes. Focus your attention on what you are hearing, seeing, experiencing in class. Doing this is a form of mindfulness practice. When you notice your mind wandering, practice refocusing your attention back to the present moment in class.
- Put away all distracting electronic devices during class. This will improve your ability to be present and focus on learning.
- Get good sleep. Information we receive during the day is stored in our brain’s long-term memory during certain deep sleep cycles. Lack of adequate sleep leads to poor memory and decreased academic success. Stop by the Health Office or visit our webpage for tips on how to get better quality sleep.
- Get comfortable asking questions. It is an important part of learning.
- Make a friend in each class. Say “hello” and introduce yourself. It may help to ask the person some questions to learn something about them before you start talking about yourself.
- Avoid procrastination. Get started on assignments as soon as possible. Get it done. Try to decrease the amount of time the stress of unfinished assignments is hanging over your head.
- Visit the campus Tutorial Center (AC1-137). Learn about all the different services they provide so that you can take advantage of them earlier rather than later if/when you have a need.
- Take time to de-stress and relax. Don’t consider it an indulgence; it is a necessity for wellness and success. Make time for good self-care.